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Florida Man Shoots Wife to Showcase Fashionable Armor


Imagine a world where you can safely go to Publix without some idiot “standing their ground” and killing you. Imagine this kind of safety, while also looking sexy…

Thanks to Miguel Caballero, it’s now possible.

He’s bringing the works of his company “MC Armor” to Miami, offering fashionable bullet-proof clothing to The Gunshine State.

Miami is the perfect target audience, as most of its inhabitants are extremely vain and also obsessed with guns. Now they can continue showing off their gym bodies as they thwart bullets from angry Floridians.

The company believes in its product, enough for the project head to shoot his wife in the stomach as she wears the fashionable bullet bouncing material. You can watch a video of this on the Miami Herald.

His wife, Carolina Ballesteros, said:

“We’ve been selling at gun stores, to Uber drivers, to doctors, lawyers, professors,” she said. “People have been very interested in the product.”

Of course they’re buying, it’s Florida… last year we ranked number one in the country for mass shootings (pbs.org).

“There are more than 5,000 gun shows every year — they’re like flea markets — and you see young kids carrying rifles and people pushing shopping carts full of guns,” she also said.

Yep, welcome to Flawrdah… just hope/pray/wish they don’t shoot you in the face instead…


Florida Man Shoots Wife to Showcase Fashionable Armor

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