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Hialeah Man shoots out AT&T truck tires

HIALEAH, Fla. – A Hialeah man was captured on surveillance video Wednesday morning shooting out the tires of a utility truck after workers parked in front of his home.

The incident was reported shortly after 11 a.m. at 620 SE Fifth Place.

Hialeah police Sgt. Carl Zogby said AT&T trucks were hanging lines on utility poles on the residential street when Jorge Jove, 64, got upset and told the workers to move away from his home.

Here’s the original video from Facebook in a post captioned “Boy people is crazy. We just be trying to do our job  … ig @tree32s”:


Zogby said the workers told Jove that they would move as soon as possible, but needed to finish their work first and that they were parked on a public street.

Zogby said Jove went into his home and started shooting at the trucks.

Cellphone video taken from one of the workers shows a man, believed to be Jove, shooting out the tires of one of the trucks.

Zogby said it’s unclear whether Jove was also aiming for the workers.

“He flattened their tires, he shot into the bodies of the trucks, he shot out one of the radiators of the truck. He seemed to be a quiet man, and something made him snap today,” Zogby said.

Zogby said the workers did nothing wrong in the situation.

“They were on public access, they were working on utility lines. They have every legal right to do so,” Zogby said. “Apparently he got upset for some reason, went into his house — they thought that was the end of that, but then he came out with a gun. They ran for their lives.”

Authorities said no one was injured.

“We’re grateful nobody was hurt, and we’re working with law enforcement in their investigation,” an AT&T spokeswoman said in an email to Local 10 News.

Jove was arrested and charges are pending against him, Zogby said.

Source: local10.com

Hialeah Man shoots out AT&T truck tires

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