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Florida Mom Leaves Son in Hot Car, Complains to Arresting Cops that it’s ‘too hot’ in Squad Car


Colleen WalkerIn a Dollar General parking lot in South Daytona, police found a 5-year-old sitting alone in a locked Hyundai.

The front driver’s side window was only slightly open, and all the other windows were up. The car was parked in direct sunlight, with no shade.

According to police, the child seemed upset, and and covered in sweat. (wftv.com)

When the Florida Mom, Colleen Walker, age 30, came out of the Dollar General, she told the cops she’d only been gone for 12 minutes, and that the child wanted to stay in the car while she shopped.

Walker said to the paramedics:

“He wasn’t in the car for two hours, it was like, 12 minutes…”

A firefighter responed, “Don’t get all huffy and puffy because I’m not going to feel bad for you. I don’t care.”

An eyewitness said the child was in the car for about 20 minutes, and crying and screaming.

The manager of Dollar General told police that the mom was walking around the store for nearly 30 minutes.

When the South Daytona Fire Deprartment check the temperature of the vehicle, it was 107 degrees.

The child was given a check-over by the paramedics and was found to be OK, luckily.

As if leaving your child in a 107 degree car wasn’t WTF Florida? enough for you, here’s the icing on the melted cake…

On her way to jail, the Florida Mom asked officers to turn on the air conditioning because it was “too hot.”

Lt. Dan Dietrich:

“She was complaining that the backseat of our patrol car was too hot on her way to the jail, and asked the officer to turn the AC up.”

Now she’s facing child neglect charges with a $5,000 bond, and could face up to 5 years in prison if convicted.

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Florida Mom Leaves Son in Hot Car, Complains to Arresting Cops that it’s ‘too hot’ in Squad Car

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[…] Florida Mom Leaves Son in Hot Car, Complains to Arresting Cops that it’s ‘too hot’ in Squad Ca… […]