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‘Shark-Dragging’ Case Extends to 13th Judicial Court

(WTFF) – Ed Brodsky of the 12th Judicial Court states that many of the violations in the “shark-dragging case” may have occurred in Hillsborough County.

As a result, the FWC will be working with the 13th Judicial Court (Hillsborough County) as well as the 12th (Sarasota, Manatee and DeSoto Counties) to determine the outcome of this investigation.

“These investigations are complex, and the FWC and both State Attorney’s Offices appreciate the public’s understanding and patience,” Brodsky said in a statement published by Herald Tribune. “We take these incidents seriously, and this investigation is moving forward.”

WTFF and friends physically delivered our petition to Brodsky and the 12th Judicial Court back in August. They never replied to us. Since then we haven’t really heard much from news sources, other than “it’s still under investigation.”

‘Shark Dragging’ Petition Delivered to Ed Brodsky

Hopefully this expansion of the case is not simply another attempt at stalling the indictments.

This could be a great move towards justice. Manatee County employs parents of two of the men who are under investigation. Political favoritism and corruption has allowed these men to get away with egregious animal abuse violations for many years. It is only because our petition went viral that they’re even pretending to pursue this case now. Perhaps adding State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Court to this fiasco will result in a lawful, impartial resolution. Time will tell.

Message to the 13th Judicial Court

We sent them an email and wrote a message on their Facebook wall (the latter must be approved by them, and may not show up publicly). We have attached an exact copy of the email below.

TO: !homepage@sao13th.com

SUBJECT: “Shark-dragging” case petition

Andrew Warren,

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit,

Thank you for assisting with the “shark-dragging” case. We hope that your involvement will result in a lawful resolution to the violations that took place. We as Floridians love our wildlife and do not tolerate animal abuse.

The public remains incredibly wary of the 12th Judicial Court and the FWC, as the men who are under investigation have been getting away with their abusive behavior for many years without reprimand. The fact that two of the men have parents who are employed by Manatee County only validates our concerns of corruption and favoritism.

We hope that your office will shed a much-needed unbiased light into this case.

We ask that you read our petition, which was delivered to the Manatee County Building in August. We currently have 257,785 signatures (and rising) in support of it. We ask that the 4 men under investigation have their fishing licenses permanently revoked to set an example to others that the angler community takes these violations of our ecosystem seriously. We ask that the 4 men under investigation are charged with their crimes of animal abuse (per Florida Statutes 828.12) and that they are sentenced according to the law. Additionally, we ask that the FWC lead these men through 1,000 hours of community service in addition to their prison time.

Details can be found within the petition which is linked below:


You may also read the delivery letter we wrote to Ed Brodsky and Andrew Van Sickle of the 12th Judicial Circuit:


Thank you so much for your time.

Sincerely, the people of Florida.


Sign the petition

We’ve added the 12th and 13th Judicial Court to our petition. Please sign and share to keep the pressure on:

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‘Shark-Dragging’ Case Extends to 13th Judicial Court

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3 years ago



[…] his father works for Manatee County as the planning section manager. It seems to be stalling in the 13th court, as we’re seeing disposition after disposition, charges dropped for Spencer Heintz, and […]


[…] ‘Shark-Dragging’ Case Extends to 13th Judicial Court […]