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Florida dad threatens to blow up school in Chipley

Jonathan Allen

CHIPLEY – Imagine you’re at Kate Smith Elementary school waiting to pick up your kid, only to find that you’re not authorized…

Jonathan Allen, 32, had this experience on August 28, after his estranged wife removed him from the list of persons authorized to pick up the child from school.

Years of Florida sun have melted most of his brain facilities, so his conflict resolution skills are not very good… when school personnel advised Jonathan that he was not permitted to pick up the child, he became angry.

He became so angry that he started swearing and yelling, and several people reported that he threatened to “blow the school up and kill everyone in it”.

Principal Burdeshaw immediately reported the incident to the SRO unit and a felony warrant for Allen’s arrest was obtained shortly after.

Allen was arrested and booked into the Washington County Jail on the charge of threaten to discharge a deadly device. He is currently being held on a $50,000 bond.

“All threats will be taken seriously by our office,” states Sheriff Crews. “I want to make it clear that these types of improper actions or statements that involve our schools or children will not be tolerated on any level.”

Source: facebook.com/WashingtonCountySheriffsOffice

Florida dad threatens to blow up school in Chipley

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