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Alligator attacks Peace River swimmer in Arcadia

Good news everyone, it looks we have already BEAT our highest record of 16 gator attacks in 2001. It’s only July, but 2017 has BROKEN a new record already! Let’s keep up the great work!

An alligator bit a man swimming in the Peace River Sunday afternoon — this is one of four attacks to have occurred in the past 10 days and the second attack in the area.

Russell Mendelsohn, 34, was bitten on his left foot while wading in the waters at Morgan Park in Arcadia.

One witness we spoke with told us he saw Mendelsohn playing in the water with his two daughters and then he heard him scream.

Justin Cassell watched on as he pulled his two daughters out of the water. When he got to the shore, it was clear Mendelsohn had been attacked by an alligator.

“He screamed like a banshee. He was loud. He threw his little girl out of the water and got everybody out of the water and then he comes walking up and the bottom of his foot is just dangling,” Cassell said.

Florida Fish and Wildlife received a call about the attack from the staff at Desoto Memorial Hospital.

A contracted nuisance trapper then removed a 6-foot, 11-inch gator that they believe was responsible for the bite.

Cassell also mentioned another less serious incident involving a gator on Saturday where a younger man allegedly stepped on an alligator.

People with concerns about an alligator should call FWC’s toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286). SNAP uses contracted nuisance alligator trappers throughout the state to remove alligators 4 feet in length or greater that are believed to pose a threat to people, pets or property. FWC also provides information about Living with Alligators.

Source: nbc-2.com

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Alligator attacks Peace River swimmer in Arcadia

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[…] He eventually retired and settled down on Shell Creek near Lettuce Lake in DeSoto County, where he lived for many years. Much of his treasure was carried to him up the Peace River. […]


[…] Angry Gator: Alligator attacks Peace River swimmer in Arcadia […]


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