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Exclusive interview with Miami rapper “The Joker” on Douchebag TV

Tattooed Super Villain Joker Rapper Interviewed on Douchebag TV

Lawrence Sullivan immigrated to FL, U.S. from Peru as a young child. In his twenties, he experienced the dark side of life, selling drugs to survive and being abused by his ex-girlfriend, who was a prostitute behind his back and even tried to murder him with a machete. Even his good friend was murder in 2014, which sent him in a spiral downhill. After all the incidents, he felt he needed to be reborn, and he tattooed himself as the Joker. The Joker has been arrested multiple times, and made him infamous around the web, being featured on sites such as TMZ, Worldstar Hiphop, CBS news and more. He is facing 2 years prison time, in what he told me is a misunderstanding and is trying to turn his life around by rapping and entertainment. When asked where he see’s him self 5-10 years from now, he said he thinks he will be dead or in jail because society will not accept him and he refused to tone down his image. Douchebag TV has the video interview here!

If you want to see more of the Joker, his YouTube is here:



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Exclusive interview with Miami rapper “The Joker” on Douchebag TV

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