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Blowjob for a tip at this Tampa Bay Denny’s [NSFW]


“I’ll tell you what. that is one awesome tip…”

The shocking moment a Denny’s patron rewards her waiter with a sex act


A Denny’s patron loved her meal so much that she offered to repay her waiter with oral sex in front of other diners.

Video of the lewd act surfaced online this week.

“I’ll tell you what. That’s one awesome tip,” says the waiter in the video as he enjoys his reward.

The internet traced this video back to Palm Harbor, FL. (Tampa Bay area)

She’s a club/festival promoter in central-south Florida.

That’s Tampa for you…

Florida’s wild. That’s just how we do. Don’t judge… but do be wary of how clean your favorite restaurant really is … anything can happen here:


Blowjob for a tip at this Tampa Bay Denny’s [NSFW]

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