Orlando (WTFF) – A white Republican doctor from Florida came to an airport with a baggie of weed and complained that he was being “treated like a black person” while being arrested.
The video of 59-year-old Jeffrey Epstein at the Orlando International Airport went viral.
“You’re treating me like a fucking black person!”
That’s the punchline.
“Think on that for a moment. With all of this going on, that’s what came to his mind. Police brutality, to him, is something reserved for Black folk,” said activist Shaun King.
The Florida man was charged with battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest, trespassing after a warning, disorderly conduct, and possession of cannabis of less than 20 grams.
Epstein invoked his white privilege even further by claiming that he created the disturbance on purpose to “prove a point” about police using excessive force, NBC reports.
“I’m a Trump guy,” Epstein told WESH. “But until the police fix this problem, I don’t blame black people for being upset when they get arrested.”
Alas, the Republican Trump supporter is trying to claim that his racist outburst insinuating that white people should be treated better than black people by the cops was actually him just standing up for black people. Right… fuck that. We’re not Old Media, so we’re going to call bullshit on that one. He’s lying and we all know it. We are creating a new culture of accountability and truth. Let’s just be honest.
Yes, there are huge racial disparities in how US police use force, but Jeffrey Epstein is no civil rights activist. He’s just an opportunist trying to lawyer his way out of a bad situation by lying.
His words, though they came from a selfish and ugly place, speak volumes. Police brutality is a real issue (though there are many good cops too, don’t let blind hate guide you into believing otherwise). White people ignored it for many years, but eventually bystanders become the victims too. If we ignore issues that affect small groups of people, eventually those issues will expand outwards and affect more people. If we ignore the violation of civil rights against one group, then the violators become emboldened. Eventually you will be treated in the same horrific fashion. Granted, this white doctor wasn’t really being brutalized and beaten by police, he’s just crying like a bitch about nothing really.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
I disagree dear doctor. If you were really being treated as a black person you would’ve been shot and they would’ve found a gun on you. So there’s that. In the future try to be more creative with your spineless excuses.
Don’t let one ignorant hick speak for all the people who support our President. That’ guy is an embarrassing excuse for a human being regardless of what pigment his skin is.