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“Shark Torture” Animal Abuse Trial Results – May 1, 2018

On trial today at 9:00 am for various animal cruelty charges are:

Michael Wenzel, 21, of Palmetto

Robert Lee Benac, 28, of Bradenton

Spencer Heintz, 23, of Palmetto

Hillsborough County Case Number: 17-CF-017869-A

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Charges against Spencer Heintz have been dropped, reports the Tampa Bay Times.

Heintz’s attorney Paul Sisco said “I can tell you that the opinion of Mr. Heintz is that that shark was deceased at the time it was being dragged,” which is an obvious lie because one of the men can be heard on the video saying “Look it’s already almost dead!”

The other two men, Michael Wenzel and Robert Lee “Bo” Benac III, were scheduled to attend a status hearing on June 13 by Hillsborough Circuit Judge Mark Wolfe. They plead not guilty back in January, according to WFLA.

We will have to wait until June 13 to see what happens next.

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3 years ago



[…] Spencer Heintz of Palmetto was originally charged in the case but charges against him were dropped. […]


[…] Spencer Heintz was originally charged for the abuse, but the charges were dropped. His attorney, Paul Sisco, said he would testify as a witness if asked. […]

6 years ago

Was there any resolution to this case?

6 years ago

Three criminal fks and the corrupt Florida government all need to be put in prison !!! Florida is full of alot of criminals………………..


[…] It seems to be stalling in the 13th court, as we’re seeing disposition after disposition, charges dropped for Spencer Heintz, and justice delayed. With our watchful eye, the public will judge the court’s […]

6 years ago

Maybe when people from other states and countries hear of this and if Florida doesn’t punish them people won’t want to vacation in a state that allows heartless little bastards like this wander the streets.

Mary conti
Mary conti
6 years ago

Don’t forget there was tortured pelican,sick dog with hook through his nose, used as shark bate
These kids spoiled,indifferent, cruel, people won’t forget

6 years ago

These cruel little bastards need to be punished, castrated and the smiles wiped off their fugly faces.