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Anti-Muslim March vs. Anti-Racism Rally – June 10, 2017 – Orlando, FL

FYI, on Saturday, June 10th, things are going to get interesting at Valencia College East Campus.

Basically, there’s some “March Against Sharia” protest scheduled to take place in 26 cities across the nation, one of the cities being Orlando (of course, Florida). This demonstration is organized by Act for America, a known Anti-Muslim hate group classified by the SPLC.

In response to this event, there will also be an Anti-Racism Rally held at the same location…

June 10 = March Against Sharia + Anti-Racism Rally

Facebook Event Links:

March Against Sharia – https://www.facebook.com/events/1919303175005708/?active_tab=about

Anti-Racism Rally – https://www.facebook.com/events/128053611096971/?active_tab=about

Date and Location:

Saturday, June 10, 2017
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Valencia College East Campus
701 Econlockhatchee Trl N, Orlando, FL 32825

WTF Florida’s take on this whole thing:

So, we all know there’s no Sharia Law in the U.S. right? Good, we’re on the same page. So by that logic, we can safely conclude that we don’t really need to protest against it… because well it doesn’t exist here. The overall theme of this March Against Sharia seems to be less about “let’s help the victims of radicalism,” and more about “we don’t like Muslims, so let’s get all of our white Christian Trump voters together and bitch about it…”

Also, quite hilariously, these anti-Muslim protesters have invited disgraced professor Areej Zufari, who is “tied to terrorism,” as a key-note speaker…


Whichever side you’re on, I just ask that you remain peaceful. Enjoy the show.

Anti-Muslim March vs. Anti-Racism Rally – June 10, 2017 – Orlando, FL

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