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Politician Shit List

Here’s a list of people you shouldn’t vote for, and why.

Marion County:

Brad King

Brad King – State Attorney serving the Fifth Judicial Circuit.

Chose NOT to press Cruelty to Animals charges against Dewie Brewton, in direct opposition to Florida Statutes and the wishes of over 160,000 petitioners.

Ocala Teacher Drowns Animals During Class “Just For Sport,” Makes Students Watch and Help

No Charges for Man Who Drowned Raccoons in Class

Bradley E. King is up for reelection in 2020.

Toby Hunt

Toby Hunt – Assistant State Attorney serving the Fifth Judicial Circuit.

He was involved in the decision to not press charges against Dewie Brewton.

Pinellas County:

Donald McBath

Wesley Chapel family law attorney Don McBath is running for a Pinellas-Pasco circuit judge seat. He acknowledged to the Tampa Bay Times that he has made deragatory comments about Muslim and LGBTQ communities on his social media accounts. Despite his personal beliefs, McBath said he can still treat those litigants fairly from the bench. [Don McBath campaign / Twitter / Facebook]

A Tampa Bay lawyer tweets ‘never trust a Muslim.’ Now he wants to be a judge.

“He is running against Pinellas-Pasco prosecutor Doneene Loar to replace retiring Circuit Judge Frank Quesada. The annual salary for the job is $160,688. Pinellas and Pasco voters will decide the race in the Aug. 28 primary.”

Florida’s 27th congressional district (Miami)

Donna E. Shalala

She supported the US invasion of oil-rich Venezuela by weaponizing “humanitarian aid,” though she refuses to address the fact that the Venezuelan food and medicine shortages are a direct result of US sanctions implemented in 2002.

Florida Secretary of State:

Ken Detzner

Ken Detzner tried to suppress young voters.

US Senator for Florida

Marco Rubio

Wow, Marco Rubio Is Dumb

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Politician Shit List

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