WTF Florida has managed to garner hate from every single political and societal affiliation. That’s probably an accomplishment, considering the fact that society is fundamentally broken. »
Tag: Hate
Anti-Gay Protestor Arrested At Pulse Nightclub On Massacre’s One-Year Anniversary

“Warning: All homos will burn like faggots in hell.” Police handcuffed an anti-LGBT protestor outside Orlando’s Pulse nightclub today, the one-year anniversary of the brutal attack on the nightclub that left 49 dead and many more wounded. The unnamed suspect was one of three demonstrators holding signs reading homophobic messages like “Sin = Death” and […] »
Orlando woman plans to take her gun into Target bathrooms to protect herself from transgender people

After Target announced its transgender customers and employees can use store bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity, Orlando-based Liberty Counsel president Anita Staver said she would be taking her Glock .45 into Target’s restrooms, saying the gun “identifies as my bodyguard.” I’m taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room. It identifies as my […] »