Jackonsville (WTFF) – A woman accidentally set her home on fire and killed her 13-year-old Chihuahua.
Barbara Bassett was sharing her oxygen tank with her dog when her cigarette sparked a fire in her trailer home on Necia Drive. She told Action News Jax that a cigarette ember fell on the tubing of the oxygen.
“I tried so hard to get him out of that fire,” Bassett said.
Photos from a tweet show the damage:
The dog, Hercules, did not survive.
“I kept hollering ‘Herc’ and I couldn’t see nothing by then. It was black,” Bassett said. “I’m praying to God to get me out.”
Her sister set up a GoFundMe page, because that’s how things work in 2018. If you have some extra cash to spare, go ahead and send it to them. Cigarettes are expensive.