The Ministry of Corruption has been accused of crimes against humanity. As a result of these ridiculous allegations, their department is under investigation by The Ministry of Corruption. Fear not citizens, justice will prevail. »
(3 found)
Category: FROF
Destroy Each Other

We received a “must-run message” from our “friends” over at Sinclair Media. We don’t approve of this message, but they’re heavily armed and already shot a few of our best reporters for dissenting, so here it is: Democrats and Republicans must remain mortal enemies. Do everything in your power to destroy each other. Conservatives, do […] »
Must Run Message
** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT ** We just received a “must-run message” from our corporate sponsors over at Sinclair Media. Ever since we seceded, our FEMA lake has dried up, and we’ve been relying on corporations to pay for the damages caused by Hurricane Flo-Rida 74, which decimated our state right after the Robot Revolution of […] »