If Jesus came back to Florida some idiot wearing a cross would probably shoot him because “he looked foreign.”
Some idiot like one of these stupid redneck assholes who decided to “Stand Their Ground” against a black man who showed up in a predominately white neighborhood. They fired a “warning shot” at the terrified Uber driver after forcing him to his knees. Luckily, the Haitian dude survived.

The most fucked up thing about Florida is not our crazy criminals, freakish weather, or delusional drug addicts… it’s the fact that people put their selfish fears and desires far above their concern for others. Florida, you have a fucked up culture on the whole. You’re full of fathers who support and encourage police brutality. You’re full of mothers who leave their kids with weirdos to go get high. You’re full of people who believe one race is superior to another. You’re full of people who rape and murder and lie and assault women and go to church and claim atheists are the ones who are going to hell. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Greed, hatred, and delusion grip tightly on many of us.
It’s good for fucked up Florida news, but bad for our souls.
But let us not fall into that same poison of thought. Day to day we see the ones who are not like this. Florida’s incredibly diverse and full of good people, but the ones who express ugliness are usually the loudest, so we tend to get drawn into their webs of negativity. We’re not all that fucked up. They don’t account for all of us.
We have a lot of cool rednecks too, so don’t let the language get in our way. Anybody can be a stupid asshole, no matter what they look like or where they come from.
Thank you to everyone who still maintains some humanity.
Please continue to encourage goodness and compassion. Be a beacon of kindness and don’t let the hatred from others corrupt you.
“Peace, Be Still.” -Mark 4:39