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Ybor City beating, robbery caught on camera

Anyone with information on the incident or who can help identify the suspects in the video is asked to call Tampa police at 813-231-6130.

TAMPA (FOX 13) – A savage beating and robbery in Ybor City were caught on surveillance video and the victim’s mother wants to know who could have done this to her son.

Tampa police released the video in hopes someone would recognize one of the men they believe attacked a waiter outside a restaurant.

The mother of 24-year-old Dustin Lowe is furious and wants to see the men put behind bars. Sylvia Lowe has been at Dustin’s side, in intensive care at Tampa General Hospital, since he was attacked.

Dustin suffered a skull fracture and a broken nose. He has only a little memory of what happened to him and a lot of pain.

“I wish it could’ve been me there instead of him, he’s my baby,” Sylvia said. “How many have they done it to already? How many more will they do it to?”

Dustin was attacked Sunday around 10:30 p.m. behind the Stone Soup Company on 7th Avenue. Police say Lowe was at the back door of the restaurant when he was approached by a man who punched him after they exchanged words.

The video shows the first guy, wearing a bandana, swinging at Lowe. Then the other guys start rummaging through his pockets while he’s unconscious on the ground.

Police say there were four suspects involved.

Until they’re found, Sylvia Lowe will stay with her son and support his recovery. Doctors say Dustin’s injuries are severe, but not life-threatening.

“What they did was wrong, that was hate, that was cruel,” Sylvia said. “They’re thugs, they’re no good. [They should] go out and work for their own money. Leave innocent kids and people alone.”

Anyone with information on the incident or who can help identify the suspects in the video is asked to call Tampa police at 813-231-6130.

Source: https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/local-news/274191532-story


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Ybor City beating, robbery caught on camera

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