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Tampa Bay Man Tries Paying for Coffee with Prescription Muscle Relaxants

richard bourque

A Pinellas Park Dunkin’ Donuts got a curious barter offer from 30-year-old Richard Bourque late Monday evening.

Like most Trampites, copious amounts of chemicals were probably eating away at his enthusiasm and causing drowsiness.

He strolled into the Dunkin’ Donuts and ordered a coffee to combat lethargy.

When the cashier asked him to pay, the confused creature started digging through his pockets.

Instead of following retail protocol and offering the cashier money, he instead offered the only thing of value that drug addicts always seem to have: pills.

The cashier, who must be from somewhere else, refused.

Refusing drugs in the Tampa area is highly unusual behavior, which caused Richard to panic. He ran out of the store with his coffee. Someone called the cops.

Cops later caught up with him at another local favorite spot, McDonalds.

He agreed to let officers search him, and guess what they found in his right pocket?

Eight oval pills of Methocarbamol.

He explained to them that someone named “Aaron” gave him the pills, and that he did not have a prescription (go figure).

He was arrested, though he wasn’t charged for stealing the coffee (everybody deserves a break occasionally).

He pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of possession of drugs without a prescription, and was fined $550 and sentenced to one day of free rent in jail.

A classic Trampite, his rap sheet includes domestic battery, theft, violating probation, and driving with a revoked or suspended license.

Source: thesmokinggun.com

dunkin drugs

Tampa Bay Man Tries Paying for Coffee with Prescription Muscle Relaxants

Category: Crime
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