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Florida Man Caught Fapping in Laundromat Tells Cop it “Helps With His Anxiety”

Clearwater (WTFF) – A Florida man was put in jail for masturbating in public.

Around 2:30 in the morning at Thompson’s Dry Cleaners, a 24-hour laundromat in the Trampa Bay, someone called the cops to report a fapping Florida man.

The responding officer reportedly found 20-year-old Carlos Salvador sitting in a seat with his erect penis out, masturbating.

Carlos is a Florida Native, born right here in the Funshine State.

He was “naked from the waist down” and “watching pornography on his phone”, according to the arrest affidavit.

After he was read his Miranda Rights, he told the cop that he masturbated in public in the past, and that it “helps with his anxiety.”

Carlos was charged with 1 count of Exposure of Sexual Organs and released on his own recognizance that same afternoon.

Thompson’s Dry Cleaners (Google Maps screenshot)


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Ivana Tinkle
Ivana Tinkle
4 months ago

“Come in! Porn inside! Come in and fap!!!” -Laundromat, circa 2018

Peter Gant
Peter Gant
4 years ago

If it let’s him deal with his anxiety, it should be OK for him to masturbate.

6 years ago

Maybe if the Laundry Mat had been taught how to “dress like a lady” it wouldn’t have been asking you be fapped all up in there. Really cannot blame the guy when the building dresses like that.

6 years ago

That laundry place is screaming “come in and fap” all over it..