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Website Upgraded

alligator on computer

We finally upgraded our website server.

Our last viral post kinda broke everything, so we had to cave in and pay for an expensive web server to replace the somewhat shitty one that served us well for many years. Sorry about the downtime.

Nothing will look any different, but hopefully the site will load a little faster and run more efficiently. It also won’t shouldn’t break every time we get a viral post. This site is “Made in Florida” so cut us a little slack. If/when it goes down, just be patient please.

If you want to help offset the new costs and/or buy our team a coffee, please make a donation on our website by purchasing a shit-posting license. Visit shop.wtfflorida.com for more details.

We are also in the process of writing up some fancy new site policies that will better protect your privacy, and also allow you to write comments without fear of censorship or legal retaliation. Too many people are getting banned, sued, and raided for making stupid comments. We say “fuck that” and are doing everything in our power to promote freedom of speech, even when it’s controversial. As of a while ago, comments on our website are completely open to the public. You don’t need to register, and you can leave Anonymous comments if you wish. This fosters more dynamic conversations, and lets people say what they REALLY want to say, even if it’s just emotional ranting. Sometimes our spam blockers will hold things in limbo, but we try to check them every other day or so. If you made a comment that’s not appearing, let us know. Also, a fair warning, we can’t stop the FBI from knocking on your door if you threaten someone or say something super crazy. That being said, all of the comments here are technically just fantasy (we’re talking to you, NSA). Feel free to say whatever the fuck you want, because it’s all just satire. Only a fool would take any comment posted here as fact.

Feel free to contact us with any questions and ideas, or just to say hello.

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Website Upgraded

Category: Site Updates
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