Approve this.

Introducing The Florida Button

alligator on computer

Now on every post there will be a “Florida Button” where you can vote for the Floridaness of whatever you’re reading/seeing. Just click/tap on the Florida Button to “FloridApprove” it. Fuck a Like button, we got our own. You don’t need to register or anything, it’s open, free, and anonymous.

On mobile phones you can find a “FLApprove” Button just to the right of the main headline, and also below the comments. On a computer, you can find it on the right hand column at the top of the article. Both mobile and desktop sites also have a smaller vote button in the story data box (just below the main post).

Click the Florida Button to turn the Florida outline orange. That means you voted.

The Total Florida Points are displayed inside of the Florida Button.

Florida Points and The Florida Button

Total Florida Points are calculated by the number of FloridApprovals and Florida Tags. This proprietary formula is a secret, but just know that our mathematicians spent months developing it.

Florida Tags set the stage. Common tags might include things like Naked, Stealing, Publix, Meth, etc. The more Florida Tags an article begins with, the more the Total Florida Points will increase with every vote…

That’s where you come in. In order to get the Total Florida Points up, the article needs FloridApprovals. Click The Florida Button to FloridApprove it. Cancel your vote by clicking remove vote or undo. Each network address gets one vote.

The more FloridApprovals it gets, the more Total Florida Points it receives. Articles that start out with a high number of Florida Tags will rank up quicker than articles with a low number of tags. Articles with low numbers of Florida Tags will require more votes to surpass the Total Florida Points.

The Florida Button looks like a state route marker. We did this for two reasons, one, it looks cool, and two, FloridApprovals are essentially the miles that carry Florida Tags into greatness. They both work together to build up Total Florida Points over time. Please share and encourage people to hit the Florida Button.

But wait, there’s more…


Better Categories

We are organizing all of our posts into more specific categories, making it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for, even if you have no idea what you’re looking for. Every category page will list its own subcategories. Just click on each one to get more specific. You can go back by selecting a parent category. (In general, if it’s orange text you can click it.)

Please be patient as we update our categories, some may appear empty as we migrate everything over.

News will contain subcategories such as Crime, Politics, Madness, and even Good News.

All videos, photos, memes, screenshots, etc. can now be found under Media.

Information contains things like Site Updates and Florida data. Some of the posts here will be moved to “The State” News category, especially staff reports with statistics about our state.

Explore offers various ways to browse Florida via Zone, County, or Florida Tag.

Contact us the same way.

New Design/Layout

Our home page has been completely redesigned.

We switched to a two-column layout for posts.

Each post will contain links to stories in that specific county on the right hand column.

Easy share buttons: Facebook, Twitter, Email, Copy to clipboard.

There are many different updates and features, too many to list here, so just have fun and enjoy. On mobile phones, that right hand column will jump below the article in single file.

Less Dependencies

We removed scripts from Facebook and Twitter, which will hopefully speed the site up more. You can still share articles with one click.

Improved Comments

Easy, anonymous commenting is now active. You can also subscribe to receive replies to your comments, or to all comments within an article. Say whatever the fuck you want. There is no censorship here. That being said, we can’t allow things that are actually illegal, like blatant death threats… that’s not our domain, and we are powerless to defend your speech in that case. Also no links to any illegal content. But anything else goes. If your post gets automatically flagged as spam by accident, please contact us and let us know.

Moving Forward

Please report any bugs and let us know if something on our site is broken. Or just let us know how much you like the new design. Contact Page.

If you want to donate to technical upkeep and future improvements, please visit shop.wtfflorida.com and buy something. Thanks!


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Introducing The Florida Button

Category: Site Updates
1 Florida Tags: 75 FloridApprovals (You haven't voted yet) VOTE NOW75 Total Florida Points


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[…] 32, both live at 712 New Jersey St. in Clearwater. The two lovebird Trampites earned a lot of Florida Points for their antics on Thursday. They earned 12 Florida Points right off the bat for some predictable […]