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The fact that Zimmerman is still out and about is a a theatrical and disturbing example of how racism plagues this state. To counter that, we have Miami, a shining beacon of hope that spreads international culture throughout the veinsĀ of the dirty south. To be fair though, most of the Florida natives and locals are kind people that love everybody regardless of race. Florida is the not the south, it’s a hybrid of many things. Most of the people are good here. It’s usually the fucked up people from more traditional “southern” states that bring their racism. People up north generally don’t put up with that shit… we call people out and make fun of them for being a racist. They don’t do that in the south; they either ignore it, deny it, or encourage it generally. Florida has some of these people, of course, but the real Florida folk love everyone equally and we don’t judge too harshly.


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