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Republicans in 2018

Republicans are brainwashed. They don’t know how to decipher between facts and lies. Republicans are willfully ignorant and intellectually lazy. Even when they are told the truth, they don’t care and refuse to look it up. If any of them had half a brain, they would know that Trump is a Populist Authoritarian. And just like the Populist Authoritarians that were democratically elected in Germany (1930’s), Russia, Venezuela, Turkey, and recently Hungary, Trump will destroy this democracy too.

Republicans have never been taught how you decipher the information they receive is fact or lies. They were never taught credibility testing methods. Fox and the GOP have used this to brainwash them for a couple decades now. They are too far gone to reach. They are incapable of correctly answering the following:

  1. Explain to me your specific methods as to how you decipher the information you receive is fact or lies.
  2. How many times has Trump been found guilty of breaking federal laws in federal courts? And how many times has Obama been found guilty of breaking federal laws in federal court?

Source: comments in article.

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