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It’s funny how people are offended when something directly affects them or someone they care about, but simply laugh when that same thing happens over and over again to others. I’m an asshole with some anger issues, but at least I really do care. Here’s a big hint, there are no “other people,” we’re all in this together. Things you do have consequences that affect others. Like when you drive drunk, and kill a family on their way to Publix. Like when you don’t lock your guns up, and some meth head steals one and kills someone with it. Like when you vote against funding for education, and bitch about it when some desperate fool robs a place because they had parents and schools that failed to instill within them a sense of pride and a set of skills they could use productively. Things you do matter. One of the most fucked up things about Florida is not our headlines, but rather the fact that many people ignore reality and belligerently attack any effort to investigate our condition. We have a lot of problems here, and they won’t just go away by ignoring them. We should be pissed that our sons and daughters and brothers and sisters are out there dying senselessly. But instead we’re more pissed about identity politics or trivial things that aren’t even real. Investigate yourself and what you truly want to see in the world. Replace your destructiveness and fear with action and hope.


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