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Tampa lawyer busted for videotaping steamy conjugal visits with inmates

Andrew Spark, lawyer from Tampa who does lots of Pro Boner work

Tampa (WTFF) – A former Assistant Attorney General of Florida has been arrested in Pinellas County after he reportedly exposed himself to and solicited sexual favors from female inmates at the county jail.

Andrew Spark, 54, of Spark Law Group on W Linebaugh has been charged with Soliciting for Prostitution, Exposure of Sexual Organs and Possession of Contraband in a County Detention Facility.

ABC Action News has all the details, and a video press release from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

Basically, he was paying women in the jail to give him blowjobs and more while he filmed.

Abusing his attorney visitation privileges, he was able to have one-on-one sessions with the jailed women in private rooms. He “duped the system and betrayed the trust,” from the words of Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri.

He was literally caught with his pants down, in a private room with an inmate.

2017 will go down as the “we’re not gonna take it” anymore year. Things are changing. The “good ol’ boys club” is being exposed for what they really are, little by little, and legal action is finally being taken against those who have clear evidence against them.

Andrew Spark abused his lawyer privileges to take advantage of women who were in desperate situations.

He betrayed his duties not only as a lawyer, but as a decent human being. There’s plenty of hookers out there in Tampa that he could have paid, but instead he chose to prey on women who were at their weakest moment. He targeted women who were suffering in jail, and used his social status as a weapon to instill fear within them.

Fear is a bullying technique used to break people down, and given the scenario, it’s very likely that many of these women were forced to have sex against their will. For guys like this, very often it’s not about the sex, but about the power, the control… That is only speculation though. The case is still under investigation and more charges may be pressed.

ABC Action News has reached out to the accused lawyer. In a text message, he told ABC Action News “Thank you for reaching out to me this way. I would like to provide more information a little later.”

Do mean things and it’ll come back to bite you in the ass, or worse…

Tampa lawyer busted for videotaping steamy conjugal visits with inmates

Category: Crime
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