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Mayoral candidate Paul Congemi gets banned from KFC


ST. PETERSBURG- Mayoral candidate Paul Congemi has been banned from the KFC restaurant at 770 34th Street N.

Congemi was issued a trespassing warning last month after he cursed out several employees at the restaurant.

When police arrived, Congemi said,

“Don’t touch me. I am running for mayor and once I get elected, you will be fired.”

To make things even more clear, in 2017, this same man told his audience members to “Go Back to Africa!”

The incident occurred after an employee began laughing at Congemi.

“Apparently, that set him off,” said police spokesman Bill Proffitt.

Congemi could be arrested if he returns to the restaurant, Proffitt said.

Congemi said he won’t miss Colonel Sanders’ 11 herbs and spices.

He said,

“My mother makes a lot of chicken at home. I don’t need their chicken.”

(Yeah, we can see that, you fat fuck…)

Read police report here: CASE_2009027283.

Cristina Silva, Times staff writer

Source: tampabay.com

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Mayoral candidate Paul Congemi gets banned from KFC

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[…] He was also banned from KFC back in 2009 […]