27Approve this. WTFF / Polls / POLL: Is it OK to give your kid a swirly? Sep 5, 2018 POLL: Is it OK to give your kid a swirly? Is it OK for parents to give their kids swirlies? Yes! Libtard snowflakes need to get over it! She ain't done nothin wrong! Y'all are too sensitive! Ain't y'all never had a swirly! Yeah, but only if the brats deserve it. No, but DCF should stay out of it. It's not child abuse. No! This is child abuse! They will be tramautized! I DEMAND A SAFE PLACE WHERE THERE ARE NO SWIRLIES!!! View Results Loading ... Florida woman gives her 3-year-old a swirly as a ‘joke,’ gets investigated by DCF 0 0 vote Article Rating