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More road rage gun violence in Florida than any other state

TAMPA (FOX 13) – More people are using guns to solve disagreements on the road, and more of those incidents happen in Florida than any other state, according to a new study.

The Trace, an independent nonprofit, news organization reviewed data collected by the Gun Violence Archive between 2014 and 2016. The study found the number of road rage cases reported climbed nationwide with more cases reported in Florida than any other state. The numbers outpaced California and Texas. Road rage assault reports more than doubled in Florida during the same time period.

Law enforcement agencies have been taking steps to improve safety on Florida roadways through safety campaigns and ticketing blitzes. The efforts target aggressive driving before aggressive driving leads to violence.
More road rage gun violence in Florida than any other state, new study says

Road rage cases have made headlines in Tampa Bay in recent years.

In March, Police say road rage landed a USF football player in trouble with the law. In a separate case, deputies arrested a man accused of pointing a gun at a car carrying two children when the vehicle drifted into his lane. In May 2016, a brawl on the road between bikers and an an SUV driver ended with a motorcyclist shot.

According to The Trace, 1.7 million people in Florida have valid concealed weapons or firearms permits. The number increased from 1.3 million valid concealed weapons or firearm permit holders in 2015.

Source: fox35orlando.com

More road rage gun violence in Florida than any other state

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