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Florida Doctor texts his patient ‘You need a sugar daddy’

ely pelta

Doctors in Florida aren’t too bright. Ely Pelta, who used to be a psychiatrist, proves our point… and gets his license suspended in the same motion.

Instead of doing what most lonely people with money do and rent hookers, he decided to be a creep.

He suggested to a brand new patient, via text, that he become her “sugar daddy” to fix her problems. The text messages kept getting worse, and he finally got into a little bit of trouble. He’s been doing this kind of thing for a while, perhaps inspired by the devious bits of Freud’s legacy.

She had come to him for help with work-related anxiety and depression.

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/health-care/article176221116.html

Florida Doctor texts his patient ‘You need a sugar daddy’

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