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Florida Man scams women by pretending to have cancer; pulls gun on reporter

ken boyer

Sometimes good things happen in Florida. Cute headlines make national news against the torrent of derelicts that toply rank our Florida Man articles.

These good headlines are not always what they seem.

Take for instance:

“Florida Man With Terminal Cancer Fulfills Dying Wish, Marries a Long Lost Love After Reconnecting on Facebook…”

Sounds great, eh?

Problem is, he’s used his “cancer” to con a bunch of women out of their money.

Ken Boyer’s cancer diagnosis is also completely fake.

WKMG Orlando dug into the story and found a bunch of old ladies that got scammed, including one that gave him $22,000.

When Inside Edition tried to interviewed him, he did what any Florida Man would…

He pulled a gun on the news anchor.

Click Orlando also did some research on his scams.

So ladies, be vigilant, and never ever believe a Florida Man.

Florida Man scams women by pretending to have cancer; pulls gun on reporter

Category: Crime
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