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The Real Florida Natives

The Ais, Apalachee, Calusa, Choctaw, Creek, Jeaga, Miccosukee, Seminole, Tequesta, Timucua, Yemassee Tribes are the real Florida Natives.

Native American (Timucuan) village in Florida, protected by a stockade of wooden poles

The original inhabitants of the area that is now Florida included:

The Apalachee tribe
The Calusa tribe
The Choctaw tribe
The Creek tribe
The Miccosukee tribe
The Tequesta, Jeaga and Ais tribes
The Timucua tribe

florida native americans map

But what about the Seminole Tribe?

The Seminoles were not originally a single tribe. They were an alliance of Northern Florida and Southern Georgia natives that banded together in the 1700’s to fight the European invaders, including people from the Creek, Miccosukee, Hitchiti and Oconee tribes. Later the alliance became even closer, and today the Seminoles are a united sovereign nation, even though their people speak two languages and have different cultural backgrounds.

The original homelands of Florida’s Creek and Miccosukee Indians were in the northern part of the state, but since the native tribes of southern Florida had been conquered and shipped to Cuba by the Spanish, the Seminoles retreated into that area, where most Seminole people are still living today. (Other Seminoles were removed to Oklahoma by the US government.)

Read more here… https://www.native-languages.org/florida.htm

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The Real Florida Natives

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3 years ago



[…] Natives,” we’re talking about people born in the postcolonial state of Florida, not the actual Florida Natives who were almost completely exterminated by […]