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Massive Manatee Orgies Underway

It’s the “busy season” for these gyrating giants. Just let them get their freak on, and try to stay out of the way.

Give Mating Manatees Their Space!

We’d like to remind beachgoers, boaters and the general public to keep your distance if you see a manatee mating herd in Florida waters. It’s very common to see mating herds in shallow nearshore waters during the spring and summer months, and if you encounter a herd it’s important to observe from a safe distance as these large, strong animals are focused on mating. Bystanders that get too close could be seriously injured. In most cases the manatees are not stranded, injured or distressed, and the public should not try to approach or assist the animals in any way. Kane Rigney, a manatee biologist at our Path Lab, talked with us last year about mating herds and what the public should do if they see one. If a manatee appears to be injured, stranded or dead, please call Wildlife Alert at 888-404-3922.

Source: facebook.com/FWCResearch/

Massive Manatee Orgies Underway

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