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We Do Not Tolerate Racism

So, as our WTF Florida? Facebook page grows, we are seeing a disturbing amount of racist comments being made. Just to make things clear, we DO NOT TOLERATE RACISM. Of course, we do tolerate laughing at dumb criminals, ridiculous banter, insanity… I mean we do have the F word in our name, so yeah… but this is NOT the forum to express your racist idiocy. Here is just one example out of an onslaught of stupid, racists comments found on our Facebook page:


Look, if you have racist thoughts like this woman, please examine your thoughts very closely. Take a few deep breaths. Try to imagine EVERYONE as your brother and sister. Be kind and observant of what your mind is doing. We hope and pray that everyone will chill the fuck out, act more like Jesus, and stop being so shitty to each other. Peace.

We Do Not Tolerate Racism

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